Legal harassment - the use of legal action threats to make an individual feel uncomfortable. Use of death, or violent threats are forbidden. Violent harassment - the use of violence to threaten, or intimidate an individual. Mental-states do not excuse an individual for breaking policy however. Some people can not help the way they are, and therefore should not be persecuted for it. Mental & physical harassment - the targeting of an individual because of their appearance, health, and mental-state. Sociological harassment - the targeting of an individual because of their upbringing, intelligence, grammar, or their spelling.

Whilst disagreement on personal preference is accepted, purposefully attacking an individual's interests with the opinion that your preference is better is not acceptable. Interest harassment - the targeting of an individual's personal interests. Attacks on gender and sexual orientation also fall into this category. Sexual harassment - unwanted and unwelcome words, deeds, actions, gestures, symbols, or behaviors of a sexual nature that make the target feel uncomfortable. Religious harassment - the targeting of an individual because of their personal beliefs\u002Freligion. * Racial harassment - the targeting of an individual because of their race, nationality, or ethnicity. Specific examples is such personal attacks include but are not limited to. Should an individual want the behavior to stop, they may request a Moderator to act. It is also intentional behavior which is found threatening or disturbing. Harassment is commonly understood as behavior intended to disturb or upset, and it is characteristically repetitive. The word of the Staff takes precedence over the discussions platform policy, so long as the action is justifiable to other members of staff. Extenuating circumstances - Should a situation arise that is not covered by the Halo Alpha discussions platform policy the Moderation Staff holds the right to take action against any individual whom they feel is causing trouble or causing a potential threat on the discussions platform. In short, if you're a Halo fan, you've come to the right place.\",\"guidelinesText\",\" There is nowhere better to learn all there is to know about the franchise than here on Halo Alpha. Halo is a long-running and popular sci-fi franchise set in a distant, war-wracked future.